Monday, July 13, 2009

Sometimes i wondered where did things go wrong/what have i done wrong? How seemingly close friendships in the past have dissolved to nothing.. Have i not put in enough efforts? Do i really heck care?

I got tired, and given up my tries very much long ago, of salvaging, of asking to meet up, of organizing a gathering.. Chose to refocus on things that matter more, on people who are willing to nurture our friendships, on new grounds, on God.

Listening to A.R Bernard's preaching last Sat seemed to awaken a certain part of me. God is the one & only i find my security & meaning in. I will let loose my holds on things that i have held dear to in the past, and let you take control of all of me. I will look up to you, hold on to you, and i know i will be complete & satisfied just with you alone.

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